Microthemer Changelog (2.x)

2.8.2 (Sept 16, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* The helps links to the videos, tutorials, and forum were not working on the Preferences or Manage Themes pages.

# Enhancement
* Microthemer no longer displays your email address on the unlock page once you have successfully validated your email address. This is useful if you have purchased a developer license and you do not want your clients to see your email address.
* Also, the free trial notice disappears after unlocking the program.
* The "Free Trial Example Section" is now just called "Example Section" to avoid confusion over whether or not the program is really unlocked after validating your email address.

2.7.8 (Sept 8, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* Text-shadow colour could not be set to "none" to effectively disable any existing text-shadow values.
* RGB AND RGBA colour values could not be set without Microthemer auto-adjusting them to solid hex values. RGB/RGBA values can now be manually added. The color picker will receive some proper attention in the near future to ensure maximum flexibility and ease of use.
* A call to an undefined javascript function caused an error in the browser console. Although the error didn't seem to disrupt normal functioning of the program.

2.7.5 (Sept 1, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* The new feature of computing the CSS could slow, and potentially crash the browser. This could happen when analysing high numbers of page elements (e.g. 30 links on the page) combined with lots of properties having mixed values (e.g. a font-size of 12px, 18px, 21px). As A quick fix, we have set the maximum number of elements on the page that can be scanned to 10 (instead of 50). We will increase this figure (to around 30) when we release version 3. Version 3 will segment the display of property groups (e.g. just padding or just behaviour) rather than displaying all properties at once and so will be able to analyse more elements on the page without resulting in performance issues.
* Also, related to the above, Microthemer now excludes the WP admin bar from restyling for performance reasons.
* If a selector contained the :link pseudo selector, this wasn't correctly filtered when constructing selector highlighting divs.

2.7.3 (Aug 8, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* Computed CSS reporting failed if the CSS selector code contained one of the following pseudo selectors - :hover, :active, :visited

2.7.2 (Aug 06, 2014)

# Enhancement
* Google font subsets e.g. "subset=latin,latin-ext" can now be set on the Microthemer > Preferences page

# Bugs Fixed
* An error occurred when using single or double quotes in selectors e.g. input[type="text"]

2.7.1 (July 08, 2014)

# Enhancement
* Microthemer can now be used as a substitute for firebug as a tool for analysing an element's existing computed CSS values. Microthemer now shows the computed values as overlays on the editing options so you can view CSS value reporting and make an edit in exactly the same place.
* Font weight can be applied as a century number from 100 to 900.

# Bugs Fixed
* The little "i"s for manually applying the !important CSS declaration got lost for a while.
* When exporting to a theme, it was possible to not select anything from the dropdown menu.
* Custom google font still rendered if the field wasn't cleared before switching back to a regular web safe font in the dropdown.
* Auto-save was a bit sketchy with Google Fonts too
* Microthemer auto-saves when property options are deleted or a selector is modified now to more accurately present the state of things.
* Microthemer now includes the background-color in the CSS3 gradient declaration. It will always be trumped by the gradient but not doing this resulting in incorrect reporting of the background-color property (now that Microthemer reports this information)
* The plugin update checker (not shipped with wordpress.org version) needed updating.

2.6.3 (May 12, 2014)

# Enhancement
* Style changes appear much quicker now (almost instantly). As such, auto-save is now the default mode (although it can be disabled). Also, auto-save is triggered when you finish typing into text fields (after a 700ms delay, rather than when focus is removed).
* Microthemer remembers the last page you viewed when you return to the visual view site preview (May 8, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* Found another call to the missing json class the previous version aimed to fix (2.6.1).

2.6.1 (May 8, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* When exporting settings to a settings pack, or invoking any function that used the json class, an error message was thrown in WordPress 3.9.

2.6 (Apr 2, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* Various PHP notices that could display on servers with strict error reporting have been fixed.

2.5.8 (Mar 17, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* E_STRICT PHP error warnings could occur with PHP 5.4 due to code aimed at maintaining compatibility with PHP 4. This code has been removed. PHP 4 is no longer supported

2.5.7 (Jan 14, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* There is now only one important "i" icon next to the last text-shadow input field. This makes much more sense.
* wordpress.org only - a file wasn't checked in which was necessary for the new responsive screen width slider to appear correctly.

2.5.6 (Jan 09, 2014)

# Bugs Fixed
* Media queries could be re-ordered but re-ordering did not have an effect with regards to the order the media queries were written to the active-style.css stylesheet.

2.5.5 (Dec 28, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Added a major new responsive design feature to the visual view. Preview the frontend in screen widths that correspond to min and max width values specified in your media queries. Also, you can easily adjust the preview screen size manually using a slider. You still have full editorial control over Microthemer's default media queries.
* Some CSS tweaks to further improve the design with WordPress 3.8.

# Bugs Fixed
* Under some conditions discarding a media query tab in the style editing options could result in the editing options for the next tab that comes into focus remaining hidden.

2.5.2 (Dec 14, 2013)

# Enhancement * Various design improvements to ensure compatibility with WordPress 3.8

2.5.1 (Dec 9, 2013)

# Bugs Fixed
* PHP warning error when importing a settings pack that was made before Microthemer introduced media queries. Only affected Microthemer 2.5.

2.5 (Dec 3, 2013)

# Bugs Fixed
* Major bug with device-specific CSS styles disappearing. Previously saved media query styles were overwritten by new ones if the section or selector was closed. This bug was masked prior to the last release (2.4.7) because sections and selectors remained open unless explicitly closed.
* When importing a theme pack that uses device specific css, the tabs could get messed up it focus wasn't left on 'All-devices'.
* Increased the CSS-specificity of Microthemer's own CSS styles on hidden Elements to ensure normal Javascript functioning too.

2.4.7 (Nov 17, 2013)

# Bugs Fixed
* Under some conditions saving settings could result in an error. Servers that have a value in php.ini for max_input_vars (usually 1000) would sometimes truncate the data Microthemer sends to the server, resulting in a save error. Microthemer now warns you in advance if you are approaching your data-sending limits and suggest an easy fix - just hit the SpeedUp button in the right-hand menu.
* By default, Microthemer no longer remembers open sections/selectors when you return to the UI page. Doing so increased the likelihood of the data-limit error described above. However, you can adjust this behaviour via a new option on the preferences page.

2.4.5 (Nov 13, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Four additional Raw CSS Code textareas added for specifically targeting versions of Internet Explorer. Microthemer only includes these additional stylesheets if you make use of the new textareas so no unnecessary stylesheets are ever included.

2.4.4 (Oct 3, 2013)

# Enhancement/Bug Fix
* Option added to preferences page to set the viewport zoom level for any device to "1". This is on by default as it is necessary for the media queries to affect mobile and tablet devices correctly.

2.4.3 (Oct 2, 2013)

# Bugs Fixed
* When importing with "Merge", section name conflicts were not handled if an existing section didn't have any Selectors.
* MAJOR BUG FIXED - Style values of zero (0) were ignored (not written to the CSS stylesheet) in the last version of Microthemer (2.4.1).

2.4.1 (Aug 28, 2013)

# Bugs Fixed
* Importing a settings pack with media queries didn't work properly
* The last edited media query tab wasn't always remembered as "in focus"
* Warnings about illegal string offsets when using PHP 5.4 - e.g. when adding a selector (previous MySQL bug fix wasn't effective against illegal string offset error)

2.3.8 (Aug 27, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Microthemer now supports media queries for designing/customizing responsive WordPress themes
* WordPress admin bar shows on frontend by default (but can be turned off on preferences page)

# Bugs Fixed
* Adding a Selector could result in a PHP error on strict servers that don't allow MySQL fields of type "text/longtext" to have a default value. See more info on the issue here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3466872/why-cant-a-text-column-have-a-default-value-in-mysql

2.3.5 (Aug 7, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Email validation method now more reliable.

# Bugs Fixed
* When extracted, the directory for the plugin was 'crothemer' (with version 2.3.2). Upon upgrading WordPress deactivated the plugin. This will happen again if you are upgrading from 2.3.2 (because the directory name has changed - this time back to normal though).
* Google Font variations can now be correctly used (click the variation before clicking the "Use this Font" link)
* Google Font url uses https if necessary to prevent mixed content warnings on SSL sites.

2.3.2 (July 29, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Transparency on mouseout in visual view is now configurable via Preferences page
* Microthemer now compatible with MP6 (the new WordPress interface design that will be released in future version of wordPress). Some additional design tweaks will be introduced once the new MP6 design becomes the norm.

# Bugs Fixed
* Transparency with editing options intermittently caused z-index problem when scroller was used in Firefox. This is now a configurable option as not sure whether the transparency feature is just a distraction

2.2.9 (July 16, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Support for Google Web Fonts added
* Trial Mode now permits editing/creating 3 Sections and 9 Selectors (3 per section)
* Added in-program video tutorial for adding Google Web Fonts

# Bugs Fixed
* Microthemer permitted section names to be in camelCase. This caused downstream problems when trying to rename a section.
* Links to W3 Schools website in the CSS Reference were broken
* Ctrl+S shortcut failed if focus remained on iframe (after interacting with a menu in the iframe for instance)

2.2.3 (July 9, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Custom CSS style properties can now be added to Selectors in the CSS Selector textarea. Microthemer will look for the use of curly braces and include any CSS properties it finds in between the curly braces.

2.2.2 (July 5, 2013)

# Change
* Removed option to use alternative jQuery and jQuery UI version that used to ship with the plugin, as per WordPress best practice guidelines. If you are running an old version of WordPress and experience problems with this update, you must update WordPress to the latest version to fix the problem.

2.2.1 (July 3, 2013)

# Note
This is the last version of Microthemer to support WordPress versions prior to 3.2.1 (WP 2.8 - 3.2)

# Enhancement
* Added min width/height and max width/height properties to dimensions style group
* Added opacity property to behaviour style group (cross-browser compatible - including IE)
* Added "External Resources" section to in-program docs.
* Preference to always add !important is enabled by default on the Preferences page now (on new installs)

# Bugs Fixed
* Fixed issue with multi-site introduced in version 2.1.5
* Fixed !important assignment on CSS3 properties. There is now only 1 "i" per line as the options come together to form 1 CSS rule.

2.1.5 (June 30, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Added additional Save button at bottom of Preferences page in case users overlook fixed button on the right.
* Added Free Trial Mode. Microthemer can now be downloaded as a free trial from WordPress.org

# Bugs Fixed
* Fixed various CSS layout issues that occured with older versions of WordPress.
* Fixed undefined function errors with older versions of WordPress.

2.1.2 (June 27, 2013)

# Enhancement
* In visual view, sidebar menu is collapsed by default. A tip for saving settings with the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut is always displayed.
* Option in Preferences to load visual view by default
* REMOVED Option to activate/deactive settings packs from Manage Themes page as this option is hazardous. The same can be achieved by importing via the Microthemer UI.
* REMOVED "Edit Theme Styles" link from the Manage Themes page to minimise clutter (you can still easily go to the UI page usign the fixed menu on the right)
* REMOVED "Create New Theme" button from Manage Themes page as it isn't particularly useful (and can be done from Microthemer UI page via Export to and the "New") the UI page using the fixed menu on the right)
* REMOVED "Currently Active Theme" dropdown menu as changing this on Preferences page could have unexpected results for users.
* Added In-program Video Guides for version 2

# Bugs Fixed
* z-index erroneously applied px unit
* Microthemer artificial highlighting classes were being suggested by Selector Wizard on parent elements with a class.
* Selector Wizard didn't display after double-click if section selectors needed loading first, or if the section was empty.
* Microthemer's main stylesheet didn't always load on new Installs of Microthemer, or following Theme Deactivation (if no other design pack was subsequently activated or the Microthemer UI settings were reset)
* Manually adding a selector failed if section selectors hadn't been loaded or section was empty.

2.0 beta (May 8, 2013)

# Enhancement
* Complete redesign of the Visual View. Now, absolutely everything can be done from the visual view
* Killer feature added. Microthemer can now be used with ANY WORDPRESS THEME. Just double click on something (e.g. an image) in the visual view and Microthemer will display a "Selector Wizard" to help you target exactly what you want (e.g. all images, just images in the sidebar etc etc).
* "SpeedUp" button added to side menu. This can speed up the interface if it slows down after extensive editing. Hover your mouse over the
SpeedUp button for more on this. * Auto-save when style options change (easily configurable on/off)
* Easy manual save by clicking Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut
* In-program docs improved. Can now search/post in forum right from the app. Also, CSS Reference is more accessible.

# Bugs Fixed
* Resetting the Microthemer UI and clearing styles didn't automatically update the active-styles.css stylesheet to reflect the new state of affairs (an additional save was required to do this).
