Gradient B Position

The position of Gradient B in relation to Gradient A. Gradient B is the middle color of the gradient, but it doesn't have to appear exactly in between Gradient A and C. If you were to specify a 'B Position' of 10% (for instance) Gradient B would begin almost immediately after Gradient A. If you were to specify a 'B Position' of 90%, Gradient B wouldn't begin until just before Gradient C. If you leave this setting blank, or specify a value of 50% Gradient B, will be placed exactly between Gradient A and C.

Value Description
(numeric)For consistency, the default unit is pixels. So if you enter 25 it will default to 25px. But it's more common to specify gradient positions in percentages. So you might put 15% (specifying the unit so it doesn't default to pixels)

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